Pressotherapy for your clinic
Lymphatic drainage massage

Reasonable price
Popular among clients
Made in Spain
A comfortable and popular procedure that can be combined with other technologies.
Bio-mimetic sequential pulsation technology that boosts venous return, favouring drainage of fluids and toxins, stimulating circulation and relieving the sensation of tired legs and arms.
Aimed at opening the lymphatic pathways. Recommended for the first phase of the sessions and it is especially suitable for cellulitis treatment or mild to moderate fluid retention.
This cycle repeatedly applies a compressive massage from the distal areas towards proximal regions. This design obtains a sustained massage that directs fluids from peripheral areas to the centre of the body, stimulating the return and reabsorption of the fluids. This massage effect is suitable for cellulitis treatment, sports massage, pre-liposuction and muscular relaxation.
It works on each chamber for identical periods. It is ideal as a final cellulitis treatment. This constant, relaxing stage is ideal for finishing cellulitis or water-retention treatment. It will therefore be very useful for treatment of tired legs, post-liposuction and post-pregnancy or menopausal tiredness.
It performs full waves from the distal to the proximal regions in which the pressure decreases as the wave approaches the proximal target area (the Pecquet duct and the heart). You can edit the pressure individually per chamber. This cycle is ideal to stimulate removal of fluids from the lower legs.

Application to the lower third
- 24 air chambers evenly distributed throughout the treatment area.
- Zip-based closure system that adapts to the patient’s contours (4 sizes) plus expanders to increase the width of the trouser.
- Drainage conducted to the inguinal ganglia.

Application to the upper third
- 24 air chambers evenly distributed throughout the treatment area.
- Velcro® closure system that adapts to the patient’s contours plus expanders to increase the width of the sleeve.
- Drainage conducted to the abdominal and axillary nodes.